Students participate in workshop about leadership with LEAD, ESCOLA PARQUE, 26/06/2012
Students participate in workshop about leadership with LEAD, ESCOLA PARQUE, 26/06/2012
Original Link Portuguese
'LEAD puts people first at Rio+20' Conference wins 1st place in UN public vote amongst dozens of entries from around the world, UNITED NATIONS, 19/06/2012
LEAD puts people first at Rio+20' Conference wins 1st place in UN public vote amongst dozens of entries from around the world, UNITED NATIONS, 19/06/2012
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Original link English
24,000 children from Rio de Janeiro's favelas participate in a street football championship, COMPROMISO RSE, 16/02/2012
24,000 children from Rio de Janeiro's favelas participate in a street football championship, COMPROMISO RSE, 16/02/2012
Original link Spanish