I grew up in Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, two states in South Eastern Brazil. This region was the primary destination for migrants from the North East seeking for a better life. There was no local planning to manage the migration so it resulted in serious social exclusion. Nowadays according to the IBGE census 2012, 49.8% of Brazilian favela households are located in the South East.
From my childhood, in parallel with my studies, mostly during my school holidays, I've gained hands-on, on-the-ground experience working on social projects in both urban and rural disenfranchised communities, including those in favelas. I could gain first hand experience and a deep understanding of diversity, creativity, cooperation and friendship, sharing amazingly happy and hard times and being introduced to a DIY (do it yourself) organizational/economic model. This experience is core and roots my work, values born of experience: living alongside my local friends; listening to their stories; learning their values of friendship and respect for humans and nature; understanding the great wisdom in their perceptions and attitudes; appreciating their creativity in problem solving.
I spent some time in favelas such as Babilonia and Chapéu Mangueira in Rio; Barro Vermelho in São Gonçalo, and in Engenho da Boa Vista project in Torreões / Juiz de Fora / Minas Gerais. It was a moment, during childhood, when a window opened and the seed of a future was sown like a light inside me.
Leo learning about snakes and the wisdom found in lay-knowledge
Jequitibá tree, considered the King of the Brazilian rain forest