
Welcome! I empower organisations from all sectors & individuals to achieve differentiation through authentic sustainability and foster high-impact relationships with communities.


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Although I had previous experience, I started my professional career in 1992 while still at university. In 1993 I became a Consultant and Auditor at KPMG, specialising in business process optimization. I then became a management consultant in a Brazilian Telecommunications Company, Telerj Celular, during their takeover by the Spanish telecom company Telefónica. Following that I was contracted as a national project manager in Telefónica’s nine Brazilian companies and selected as a High-Potential employee, receiving an international preparatory trainning programme, also at ESADE Business School, to become a Director.

Having implemented projects recognized as best practice in Latin America, in 2000 Telefonica appointed me as Global Projects Director based at its headquarters in Madrid, Spain. I was in charge of projects - also CSR and sustainability - in more than 20 countries and 25 different business sectors. In this role I devised and implemented “Extension of sustainability to Telefónica’s and O2’s supply chain” which was recognised as world best practice by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) in 2009, placing Telefónica first in the DJSI ranking, three years ahead of target.

I have worked in diverse sectors such as consumer goods, industry, banking and insurance, communications and promotions. I also supported a friend to run a bakery in one of Rio’s deprived areas close to Cidade de Deus (CIty of God) favela. From 2006 to 2008 I was a professor of Projects Direction at University Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain.

I took some disruptive decisions in my work in the 90's, when it was not usual, such as:

- To contract people with disabilities to join our projects for example when I was a manager at Star Soft. For instance people with autism have facility to deal with data that we had to upload to the systems during implementation.

- In Telefónica Brasil, to literally break down the walls in our office in order to create an unique space, free of barreers, to enhance projects' teams integration. At that times, we were beginnig to implement integrated systems like SAP ERP [Enterprise Resources Planning].

Although my familiy could provide me a good education, I began to work hard since I was very young. When I was eighteen years old my father died and I had to sell the cooperative and the farm he had. I also have worked by my own buying and selling goods, I have managed a bakery and have sold shirts in the offices where I was working.

Professional background

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