Programme participants_Golden Gate_San Francisco
Explorer is an international training programme that aims to train, advise and financially support young entrepreneurs to take the lead in launching their 'startups', also improving employability.
We design and deliver learning experiences - participative, dynamic and based on real case studies - to help people to think and act differently. 'We go with you on your journey'.
We create learning experiences that make concepts and tools accessible and meaningful to the group, developing skills and knowledge, and encouraging participants to have fun while they are learning.
Our programme is taking place since 2015. In 2018 more than 2.900 applications were received and 1.200 entrepreneurs were admitted (in 2019 1.800). There are 52 training centres in Spain, Portugal, Argentina and Silicon Valley. More than 40 Universities, private and public organizations collaborate with us.
Spain youth unemployment rate is around 40% (1). Around 28% (13 million people) of Spanish population are at high-risk of poverty and social exclusion(2). In-work povery rates (rate of employed people at risk of poverty) is 24% (11 million people)(3).
Main Partners:
- Banco Santander - Santander Universidades
- Explorer
- CISE - Centro Internacional Santander Emprendimiento
- Universidad Complutense
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Universidad Carlos III
- Deusto Business School
- Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio
- Universidad de Salamanca
- Universidad de Valladolid
- Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Universidad de Valencia
- Universidad de Castellón
- Universidad de Alicante
- Fundación Ernst & Young
- Indra
- Intel
- Tuenti
1 - Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2018
2 - Eurostat, 2017
3 - FOESSA Foundation – Promotion of Social Studies and Applied Sociology, 2018