Sports 4 Social Integragion_Children Community Fallet
- Contribution: Project strategy, co-creation, implementation
- Coalition building / collective impact facilitation
- Evaluation
- Promotion
Main Partners:
- Cricket 4 Change - UK
- Cricket Brazil
- AMAVALE - Fallet Neighborhood Association
- UPP - Police Peacekeeping Units
- British Airways
- Anglo-Brazilian Society
Main Results:
- Four ongoing projects to promote social integration in favelas using Cricket
- Initial projects: Over 50 young people from two favelas, São João and Fallet, engaged to play Cricket
- Favelas neighbours and UPP - Police Peacekeeping Units - supporting upcoming local projects
- New partners in both favelas' - São João and Fallet - added to local leaders to enable new projects
- New partners for Cricket 4 Change team to develop projects in Rio favelas to create change and develop Cricket in Brazil
- The image showed below, from the developed programme, named as 'Photo of the Year' at the 2013 ICC Development Awards for the Americas Region. Taken by a member of the C4C team on the development trip.
“In wanting to reach out to two Favela communities in Rio we wanted to ensure the groups were interested and suitable for our work. Leonardo Dias identified two groups who were not only keen but identified that our work could be of great value within their communities. Ensuring our resource was being put where it was most needed. Leonardo was very informative and ensured we received a warm welcome on our arrival.”
Andy Dalby-Welsh, Director of Operations at Cricket 4 Change - London, UK
"Our main objective is to give new perspectives to the children in the community because they are our future. This project brings motivation and opens a new world for all. In addition, we have new partners to support our work. Children do not know where is the UK, but English people came to play with us. This is very important, brings hope and new activities. The participation of Leonardo Dias - Léo -, who is always working to break barriers and to build bridges, is key to facilitate our autonomy, to implement projects that really contribute to solve our internal problems, with an approach that really engages the community. We feel that we are being listened and that the commitment and impact are real."
Flávio Mazzaro “Fafá”, President Neighborhood Fallet Association – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The project is basically a training program through Cricket lessons to develop human values like trust, self-confidence, team building, new perspectives, respect, etc. among favelas' residents. In a second step Leonardo is analysing the use of Cricket to empower grassroots leaders for sustainability.
Cricket 4 Change NGO is interested in developing projects using Cricket in Rio's favelas. Leonardo's main role was to identify those favelas to work in and with whom, building the coalitions; how to work with partners in order to maximize impacts and what to do.
"The initial part of this project has gone fantastically well. The two Favela communities have welcomed our project and we have already been contacted by two more who want to be a part of it."
Vincent Bastick, CEO of Cricket Brazil
Main goals to achieve by these initial projects in the communities São João and Fallet are: to generate social integration in favelas through Cricket and to develop the practice of Cricket in Brazil considering the World Cup and the Olympic Games frameworks. Additionally, two more projects are being implemented in favelas as a result of these initial projects.
These initial projects have been a first contact with the favelas' reality in order to plan the four projects that are being implemented now. On the other hand, the communities' leaders, who were already Leonardo's partners, have gained new partners and opportunities to address the local issues.
Brazil and Rio de Janeiro have a powerful agenda with the Olympic Games 2016 and the World Cup 2014 along with a surge in private investment. There is now a unique opportunity to achieve greater and collective impact through building alliances, PPP - public-private partnership - and project implementation to enhance social, environmental and economic development.
More than 11.4 million Brazilians live in deprived areas, known as favelas, according to the Brazilian Statistics Institute, IBGE - that’s more that the whole population of Portugal - but in reality there are far more than that. Where inequality, violence, housing, health care, education and citizenship are major problems, many people do not have papers and are not included in official statistics. Deprivation is one of the biggest social problems in one of the most socially unequal countries in the world.