Leonardo Martins Dias_Universitat Internacional Catalunya_Leadership for Sustainability
Comments on the lecture
Within the frame of the International round table on children poverty at the UIC - Universidad Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain - held with representatives the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Union, Generalitat de Catalunya, Eurochild, Children in Scotland, One family org, World family map consortium, Social Trends Institute - New York & Barcelona, Intermedia Social Innovation, University of Birmigham, and other Universities and Organizations from Argentina, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Peru, Scotland, Spain and United States, I was invited to share my work methodology and experiences.
My lecture referred to a project to generate incomes in deprived areas from Amazonas in Brazil, I co-created and implemented. Its main focus is on family, children and leadership empowerment for sustainability to enhance local autonomy.
The above-mentioned is a reference-project due to the maximization of its impacts and the written output: a position paper circulated to the United Nations, European Union, Governments in America and Europe, among other recipients, proposing concrete solutions to enhance social equality. In other words, influencing public policy for social equality.
I would like to thank the organization of the event for their invitation and for the opportunity to share views and to propose actions aimed to mitigate child poverty and for the breaking the cycle of disadvantage.
Related links
Social Trends Institute - Investing in Children Round Table
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