"I have the dream to integrate local projects and people from my community, so today is a historic day because of the presence of LEAD International and Leonardo bringing these rich content and knowledge to our community. I am moved."
Otávio Júnior, a Vila Cruzeiro's Leader known as Livreiro do Alemao - Ler á 10 / Leia Favela Project's Founder
"I am very pleased. You all have come here to my house to share knowledge with me. I am truly thankful"
Ivan Santos, a Vila Cruzeiro's Leader
This initiative I cocreated and facilitated is aimed to promote positive social interactions. 'Leadership for sustainability and Fundraising' workshops in Vila Cruzeiro Community was developed under our initiative's framework to enhance communities' autonomy through grassroots leaders empowerment. Otávio Júnior is a key local leader who worked hard to make this workshop real.
The full program is based on leadership skills development, sustainability engagement, network building and co-creation. Vila Cruzeiro's workshop delivered knowledge, experiences and networking. More aboutFull program
Key learning points and experiences was related with leadership for sustainability and co-creation.
Networking building up was developed among high level Directors who work on Sustainability at international level (África, Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, Scotland, Spain, UK) and local grassroots leaders. The objective is to build trust and a strong network to support their projects. In addition, the workshop was about leadership for sustainability and fundraising, developing this knowledge with local people. We also discussed about RIO+20 Summit.
This initiative is also part of a greater strategy to empower Otávio's projects, seeking for support. He works hard to engage people from communities to develop the passion for Literature, his own passion. I really believe culture and education are key points for social integration and the building of a more equitative society.
I would like to thank Otávio Jr., all Vila Cruzeiro's leaders and the participation of Directors from key organizations like LEAD International. Thank you for accepting this invitation and challenge.
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