Rio+20_Edward Kellow (Lead Head of Training Programs), Escola Parque Student, Leonardo M. Dias
It was a refreshing morning talking with Escola Parque students through leadership for sustainability dynamics during eventful Rio+20.
Diversity is key in the work I do. The most diverse is a team, the better. Diverse teams find more complete solutions because they consider a greater range of solutions and the global system is more represented. It was very exciting to see the students engagement and their advanced perceptions and visions about sustainability, leadership, our current habits and the future they would like to live. I was astonished! Refreshing, intense and INSPIRING.
Definitely we have to listen to the children; they are the future, they have an important wisdom that we, adults, normally loose.
Main topics discussed in our dynamics about Leadership for Sustainability, closely listening and talking with children: Born or become a leader, Active listening and observing, Confidence, Walk by the talk, Networking, Persistence, Deal with the unknown, Vision and Perspective, etc.
I really want to thank Carlão, Sancia Velloso, André and all Escola Parque team; LEAD International team and British Council for the invitation to do this conference.
For more information please see:
RIO+20 Escola parque Conference_Leonardo M. Dias
Rio+20 dynamic at Escola Parque, students, Leo Martins
Rio+20 dynamic at Escola Parque, students, Leo Martins
Rio+20 Escola Parque, Edward Kellow ( Lead Head of trainning programs)
RIO+20 Escola parque_Edward Kellow (Lead Head of trainning programs)
RIO+20 Escola parque Edward Kellow (Lead Head of Training Programs), Leonardo M. Dias
Rio+20 dynamic at Escola Parque Sustainable transportation
Rio+20 dynamic at Escola Parque_Sustainability
Rio+20 Escola Parque Messages
RIO+20 Escola parque Messages
Rio+20_Escola Parque messages
Escola Parque Engagement Messages
Rio+20 in Escola Parque school
Escola Parque Sustainability Initiatives