We are facing a changeable multi-polar world order. In this ‘unfinished’ globalization, diversity and equality are fundamental values; and co-creation an important tool to maximize results. Co-creation (where all stakeholders are equally engaged in project design) generates value and engagement more effectively.
Moreover, without a minimum level of equality all societies, environments and economies are at high risk.
The Innovative Social Technology I have developed in Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro, is strongly contributing to enhancing equality. I am now using Social Technology, worldwide with positive results. We must take opportunity of Synergies in order to maximize impacts most efficiently.
Inequality is highly concentrated in the world's deprived areas, the one billion inhabitants of these areas in 2011 is expected to raise 100% to two billion by 2030. So urgent action is required and deprived areas are a key leverage point for global equality improvement and poverty reduction, the first on the list of Milennium Development Goals.
Deprived areas_Leverage for Sustainability
One in three of us is migrating from the countryside to the cities (rural exodus) looking for better living conditions. According to the UN, this is the biggest human migration movement in all history. In addition the UN states that 75% of world population will be living in cities in 2050, and, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America, in 2012 80% of the Latin American population is already urban. We are concentrating in the cities, we know that, and we need to manage this process - preventively if possible - in order to have a better world, a better life for all of us. The majority of urban migrants end up living in deprived areas, where inequality is concentrated according to UN.
This process can have very high social, economical and political costs, such as the conflicts/riots in Latin American slums, for example in Complexo do Alemao slum in Rio (2011), London, UK (2011), Clichy/Paris, France (2005), Los Angeles, USA (1992), Miami, USA (1980) and many other urban areas with a high concentration of inequality. From my own experience living in Rio during the ‘80s and ‘90s, where inequality level is high: ‘There's no bullet proof car against high inequality’. It affects every single person, directly or indirectly.
From a systemic point of view, deprived areas are an important leverage point for sustainability. It is where migrants’ urban social integration begins: networking, surviving, adapting, support, etc. Deprived areas work as a social and economic development platform to urban renovation, village sustainability and social inclusion, working as amplifiers or dampers of sustainability issues. Deprived areas play an essential role in building improved sustainability and are a strategic place to engage and equip leaders with sustainability skills and values, for a magnifying contribution to more sustainable societies.
My vision is that improving equality is an opportunity for the whole society. Deprived areas must be awarded the same conditions as other urban areas to act as a platform for social inclusion that enhances equality and supports a more diverse and well prepared society, a platform that can add huge value to people, society, government and companies. In addition it can provide an opportunity to embed sustainability values.
We can choose between paying the high social, economic and political costs of inequality or cropping the great benefits and positive differentials of an inclusive and diverse society, better positioned and prepared for a changeable multi-polar world order.
Related information:
To watch the video of my conference in Great Minds please click here
In this link you can find an article I published.