
Welcome! I empower organisations from all sectors & individuals to achieve differentiation through authentic sustainability and foster high-impact relationships with communities.


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In order to achieve stronger impact I am developing educational projects, also educating for diversity and for the development of intercultural skills, dialogue and aptitudes among children, youngers (agents of change) and as a learning journey during all life. In addition, are key elements Grassroots leadership empowerment to enhance communities autonomy scaling up resilience and income generation initiatives to asure further projects sustainability. It's fundamental to put people first and really speak local language (music, i.e: hip-hop; theater, audio-visual, graffiti, local sports modalities, etc)

In Brazil we are improving an Innovative Social Technology that is, more and more, bringing all these concepts together in social inclusion processes. Many best cases are being implemented in Rio de Janeiro.

Educational projects represents 85% of the initiatives I implement and co-create, leadership development 70%, entrepreneurship and job creation 70% and environmental issues 20%. In 100% of the projects, culture, art or sports are developed to enhance engagement. In addition families' beneficiaries engagement, awareness about citizenship and sustainability (equality and nature), heath and care are vertical hubs across all the projects.

Besides of each project's indicator, we enhance self esteem, bring new perspectives of life and visibility to the "invisible",enhance social integration and improve equity; dynamizing social mobility and ultimately contributing to a more stable society.

For instance, co-creation is a tool to add value to all stakeholders, efficiently engaging them and supporting collective impact (diverse organizations working together to solve complex social issues).

Projects can be consulted by clicking here.