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LEAD Canada comes to Rio's favelas to exchange experiences & knowledge for sustainability, UPP, 17/11/2013

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Leonardo Martins Dias, Strategic Sustainability Advisor, co-created this program to empower grassroots leaders in Rio's favelas at the same time that Lead Associates from Canada did their last application project in order to become Lead Fellows. The article mention a part of the program that was delivered during eight days, centered in Favela Fallet, but also experimenting the following favelas in Rio: Complexo do Alemão, Vigário Geral, Santa Marta, Chapéu Mangueira and Babilonia.

Part of the program was to experiment new business models in the following favelas: Cooperatives, gastronomic centers, etc. In addition local projects for sustainability were shown to Lead participants: O Plantador newspaper, Pacto da Paz initiative, Favela Tour, Reciclação, Babylonia child day care centre, Afroreggae, Bar do David, Restaurant Chupetinha, Light projects, Cooperatives, etc.

External conferencists from organizations with social agenda talked about their initiatives: Banco Santander, Prefecture of Rio (EixoRio), Light, Observatório das Favelas, experts in fundraising and communication.

Main objectives of the program to empower leadership for sustainability are:

  • The project co-created with communitie's leaders during the program was the last application project for participants from Canada to become Lead Fellows
  • Coallition Building - networking between grassroots leaders, external conferencists and Lead
  • Bring visibility to grassroots leaders
  • Diffuse grassroots leaders' sustainability projects
  • Unite different favelas promoting leaders meetings
  • Exchange experiences and knowledge about how to co-create, structure, communicate, engage in new multicultural situations - cross cultural communication - and negotiate sustainability projects
  • Diffuse internationally the Brazilian Social Technology for social integration and the favela's positive agenda

Due to the success of the program, it will be done every year in Rio's favelas for new Lead associates to become Lead fellows and it this methodology of working in real sustainability issues will be adopted by Lead worldwide in the more than 90 countries where Lead have presence